Registering EU family members in another EU country

If you move to another EU country, your dependent EU family can move with you.

After 3 months in the new country, they may have to register their residence and be issued with a registration certificate.

If your EU family members are not dependent, they can register in their new EU country by virtue of their own rights.

Registration certificate supporting documents

Your family members will need the following documents to obtain their registration certificate from the town hall or local police station:

  • valid national identity card or passport
  • your registration certificate or other proof of your residence in that country
  • proof of the family relationship with you (such as a marriage or birth certificate)
  • for (grand)children, proof they are under 21 or dependent on you
  • for (grand)parents, proof that they are dependent on you
  • for other family members, proof that they are dependent on you or there are serious health grounds requiring you to take personal care of them
  • for unmarried partners, proof of a long-term or durable relationship with you


No other documents may be requested.

The registration certificate will be issued immediately for your spouse, (grand)children and (grand)parents. For other relatives, the authorities should make their decision to issue a registration certificate or not as soon as possible.


The registration certificate should cost no more than nationals pay for identity cards or similar documents.


The validity period of the registration certification is unlimited (it does not have to be renewed), but any change of address may need to be reported to the local authorities.

Where and how to register by country

Find out where and how to register your EU family members in your host country:

If required by the host country, your family members can be fined but not expelled if they don't:

  • register their residence
  • carry their registration certificate and identity card/passport with them at all times

If you have problems getting a registration certificate for your family members, you can call on our assistance services.

See also how to have a residence card issued for your non-EU family members.


EU legislation

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Last checked: 12/10/2023
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